Decide what film you'll need,for your Minox snaps
The vast majority of Minox users do not have the opportunity to carry 2 or 3 cameras in their bags,each loaded with different film type,covering almost every light conds.So,it is advisable to choose your film with very much consideration,observing a few simple rules!From what little experience I have got in this matter,I will be happy to assist you in choosing the right film for that brilliant snap that you are waiting to happen in your Minox experience!Here we go,and feel free to email me if in need of more help!
Always select your films,in correlation with what developer you have already in the house(at least for the first 2-3 rolls).It is cost effective and economical that way!If you do not develop your own films,then obviously disregard this line!
Try at first to buy the "all BW films"JESSOPS developer,which may be Econotol or Econodev!The JESSOPS fixer,Econofix,is very good and very easy to use!Do not rush to buy expensive devs,as RODINAL,MICROPHEN,D-71,KODAK and such!They're very good,but for your first process,JESSOPS stuff is more than appropriate!At least until you've made your hand and you're accustomed with the Minox process,timing,temperature and so on!
Lots of amateur Minox developing infos-chart,times,soups,etc.-on my other Minox dedicated websiteWWW.MINOXIT.COM